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To order the Cover Story Package, your cover story needs to have a worthy news angle and must first be approved by Today Magazine. 


 • The Cover Story Package guarantees three pages of space in Today Magazine, with the following components:


1. Front Cover Photo — entire front cover of Today Magazine • one page

2. Front Cover Headline — featuring your company 

3. Cover Story — interior of Today Magazine • two pages

4. Two Interior Photos 

5. Promotional Box — with your contact info • interior of Today Magazine 


Prior to publication, Today Magazine will ask you to review the Cover Story Package content to check facts and quotes.


Cover Story Package — Word Count

The Cover Story Package content will be at least 750 words combined — whether there is a single article or more than one article in the Cover Story Package, the total word count will be a minimum of 750 words. 



We hope that our photographer will be able to schedule a photo session for the cover and the interior of the magazine — but you must also provide photos. 


Thanks for your interest in Today Magazine! 


— COVER STORY PACKAGE — Monthly Digital Magazine – $3000

  • • To order the Cover Story Package, your cover story must first be approved by Today Magazine.


    Thank you for your interest in Today Magazine.

TODAY Publishing • 860-988-1910 • office @ — P.O. Box 393, West Simsbury, Connecticut 06092 — © 2018-2024

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